The purpose of the activities of the Fisheries Information Centre (hereinafter also referred as FIC) will be to contribute to enhancing the level of knowledge of entrepreneurs active in fisheries and aquaculture and the valorisation of aquatic biological resources to improve their economic and environmental sustainability. The Fisheries Information Centre will promote cooperation between operators, non-profit organisations and research and development institutions in the sector and promote awareness of fisheries among the public.

To this purpose, FIC collects and analyses sector-specific data, organises and coordinates training, studies and pilot projects related to the sector's economic activities. The Fisheries Information Centre collaborates with organisations and institutions in Estonia and internationally and provides dissemination of sectoral information, advice and best practices through information materials and media.

The Information Centre is operationally managed by its Head.

The Council is a supreme body to coordinate the activities of the Fisheries Information Centre. The Council consists of members of the following organisations and institutions:
1) Estonian Association of Fishery,
2) Estonian Fish and Crayfish Farmers' Association,
3) Estonian Fishermen's Association,
4) Estonian Association of Distance Water Fishers,
5) Wildlife Estonia,
6) Estonian Fund for Nature,
7) Estonian University of Life Sciences,
8) Estonian Aquaculture Association,
9) Fisheries Local Action Groups,
10) Ministry of Climate,
11) Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications,
12) Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture,
13) Tallinn University of Technology,
14) University of Tartu.

The activities of the Fisheries Information Centre shall take place in the framework of Measure 2.2.9 “Knowledge transfer grant for the valorisation of aquatic biological resources“; Measure 1.1.5 “Knowledge transfer grant for fisheries“and Measure 2.1.4 “Knowledge transfer grant for aquaculture“ of the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) Operational Programme.

Grants were awarded by the decisions No 17-29.5/24/3, No 17-30.16/24/3 and No 17-30.4/24/3 of the General Director of the Estonian Agricultural Register and Information Board on 14.03.2024 and 15.03.2024. The grant amounts were awarded as follows:

3 121 000 euros for the fisheries knowledge transfer,
4 121 000 euros for the valorisation of aquatic biological resources knowledge transfer,
1 415 000 euros for the aquaculture knowledge transfer.

The final date of the activities of the Fisheries Information Centre shall be 30 June 2029.

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